Monday, January 11, 2010

Why Socialized Medicine is wrong

Why was  the constitution of the U.S. written and why does it work if we follow it? Because it provides checks and balances against a dictatorship.

All we need to do is look at the world in countries where there are no checks and balances and you will find they have socialism and dictatorships.

There are two ingredients to successful medical care and they are compassion and quality. This is true even in the light of advancing technology. Medical technology does not change human  nature and the inherent greed in all of life including healthe care. There is a price tag for this new health care system that is so high we cannot continue the way it is going. If the U.S. government pays for all or part of the medical care of U.S. citizins, we shall see the take-over of the health industry by thge federal government. Individual freedom will be lost in this process. When we are responsible for our own medical bills, we become the customer, the physician's employer. People are less thrifty when spending other people's money then when spending their own.

For those people who are indigent or lower income, there should  be an arrangment between welfare and the parient's efforts which would retain their independence and dignity. Apathy and greed will demand from government what it cannot deliver and you will see the fall of a great nation. This new health care plan carries a price tag that we cannot pay. The end result is regulation, inflation, and taxation: our freedom will be lost.

In the country of my ancestors, Norway and Sweden, the womb-to-womb welfare has had an insidious corrosive effect  on the moral character of her people. Consider medical ethics. It is the responsibility of all menbers of society, not just doctors or political leaders or the Supreme Court for that matter. Consider also the million and a half abortions every year. Christianity and the nature of man, called the depravity of man, explains why socialism does not work. Why did our founding fathers work so diligently to give the U.S. of America human freedom? In 1776 our constitutional convention was dominated by Christians and they could forsee the deprivity of man that motivated all the checks and balances we have today.

What does the "depravity of man" mean? It is a condition of sin within mankind. Why must we fight against our loss of freedom? No one man or leader is good enough to dictate how another  should live. That is why our wonderful constitution is viable today and why we must protect it.  My husband was a great student of the constitution and marveled at the brilliance of the men who wrote it.

How exciting it was for my own people, who came from Norway, a country that had a theacracy and control of one church, to be free.

Why is the U.S. regarded as a nation blessed  by God? Could it be that Christianity is the very essence of personal freedom and liberty for all, including those of other faiths.

Hillary Clinton, in 1994, speaking for the task force on health care reform recommended that the U.S. adopt the Canadian system. Mr. Pierre Lemieus, economist and author in Quebec said, "In Canada health care is basically a socialized industry. There is no freedom, prices are fixed by law. Services are rationed and patients are forbidden to spend their medical dollars as they wish." American doctors who work near the border with Canada have first hand experience with this heartless system. Throughout the world political leaders have used free medicine to strengthen their control over the country. The sactity of life is not considered. Is this happening in America?

The greatest fear of socialism is the concentration of power at the federal level which is dangerous knowing the b asic greed and wickedness of all men. Socialism is ownership and the control of wages, prices, and the means of production. A man or woman who approves of a socialist system of government is usually has no understanding of the concepts of Christianity.

Medicare is socialism and all economist agree that it does not work as government will run out of funds soon. The reason Medicare doesn't work is because the patient does not care about the cost if his medicare care. The patient does not pay any money up front when he first sees the doctor and doesn't ask questions about the cost. Its covered by Medicare so who cares. The money part is ignored and the patient is not expected to pay a bill on the way out. If the doctor told the patient what the proceedure would cost, it would result in a smaller amount than if no ome mentioned it. There is no easy solution.The system need to be corrected. If the patient is paying out of pocked for his health care, he is more likely to be involved in better health habits himself. The patient needs to be actively involved in his own care.

With this new health care plan, much time and effort will be spent by the doctor on how to get the most money out of the government program. Instead, doctors should  be only concerned with the best method of treating an illness or condition. Must the doctor become a begger for more money instead of concentrating on treatment for his patient. Will doctors leave their profession and go into another vocation?

Most people do not understand or feel the urgency of the threat of federal control of medicine. They listen to their politicians they support, not thinking for themself. These people are the "don't care" group.
It has already been proven that Medicare does not work so why are not all people up in arms about this new health care plan that is about to go into effect in 2010?

Someone said, "Socialism in any form resembles a parasite that lives off the host until both are dead".

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