Monday, January 4, 2010



Why is apostasy such a threat? Because unknowingly, it will draw more people into the fall because error and unbelief is tolerated rather than opposed. When someone seriously questions unbiblical statements of truth, that person is more likely to be called a “heresy hunter” or someone who is interfering with the doctrine of the church. A pesky whistle blower. Defending the faith is a role very few want any more.

The truth was has been a perpetual battle ever since sin entered the universe. When I first blew the whistle so to speak about Rick Warren and his book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” plus Eugene Pederson and his paraphrase, “The Message Bible” I had very few who supported me but those who did, had done their homework and knew the dangers of apostasy. Scripture tells us to wage war in behalf of the truth. How would the truth of God’s word been reveled if Paul had not waged war in behalf of the truth?

Eugene Pederson, who authored “The Message” paraphrase bible, adjusts the gospel to suit his own tastes. He poisons the teaching of Christ by twisting and reinventing the meaning. An example is Pederson’s version of the Lord’s Prayer, compared to the Lord’s Prayer in the King James translation.

The Lord’s Prayer (The Message Bible)

Our Father in heaven

Reveal who you are.

Set the world right;

Do what’s best—

As above, so below

Keep us alive with three square meals.

Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.

Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.

You’re in charge!

You can do anything you want!

Yes, Yes, Yes.

The Lord’s Prayer (King James Bible)

Our Father which art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done.

In earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

The phrase “As above, so below” is a metaphysical New Age connotation and routinely substituted for “heaven and earth”. “As above, so below” is a universally accepted mystical New Age term. This term has its origins in the magic of ancient Egypt. It means that God is “in” everyone and everything. It supports the New Age contention that “We are all one”.

“As above, so below” was on the first page of the first chapter of Rick Warren’s quotes from “The Message Bible” to open and close his first chapter. Rick Warren’s message has broad appeal, even to members of other religions. Part of the secret of his success is his ability to integrate statements from people the world admires, combining these with partial biblical passages taken out of context. Paul warns us that the message of the crucified Messiah and the wisdom of the world is incompatible. Warren uses some truth with untruth as Satan did in the Garden of Eden.

Warren’s purpose is to build churches that are relevant to unbelievers, entertain, jazz the music to a beat that will appeal to the worldly but splash in some Christian lyricks. This man is willing to change the nature of Christian teaching so it will appeal to an audience of an unregenerate state. I remember well what our choir leader, Ed Willington told us during choir practice, after singing a beautiful old gospel hymn, “Your not likely to ever hear hymns like this sung again in churches today.” Why, we asked?” “Because, they want the music to appeal to the young.” Will the young never hear the great hymns of the past and will this new music bring them to Christ? I think not. Scripture does not tell churches to meet the needs of the unregenerate. Rick Warren’s goal is to make the church a place for religious consumers instead of a church with gospel preaching and Bible teaching.

Do not be fooled by the size of a church or whether it has grown or not. The church of Smyna and Philadelphia were poor, small, and lacked influence but were commended by God. Rick Warren is in the process of leading the church into the New Age plan for the New Spirituality. So what is Rick Warren’s purpose? To go down in history as a new reformer like Martin Luther? It is a spirit that comes in the name of Christ but actually opposes Jesus Christ. Ask God for wisdom. “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1: 5.

Christians deceived by Rick Warren will fall farther and farther into New Age Spirituality. Instead of being on the narrow road that leads to life, they will be on the broad road that leads to death. If a little leaven is brought into our church, it can spoil the whole church. The congregation needs to be warned by their pastors and leaders about people who will bring doctrines of demons and deception into our churches. The majority of Christians are uninformed and need solid Biblical warnings and teaching on this subject. Pastors are responsible to stand for sound doctrine and to correct false doctrine.

Paul laid down standards for elders in Titus 1:9: “Holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, that he may be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” Paul also said there will come a time when many will refuse to correct false doctrine. “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled. They will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires”. 11Timothy 4:3.

What Rick Warren has done is to blur the line between pagan culture and the church, therefore attracting more people to his church. The world will reward what it favors and persecute what it hates. This is precisely what the Purpose Driven movement has done—it has created a gospel the world loves. Do not be fooled by the size of a church. Jesus is not impressed with large numbers. He never addresses church growth. When Christianity is popular, churches grow for reasons other then true conversions. What is essential is maintaining the true confession of the church regardless of whether it is being received of rejected. Size or growth of numbers is not important.

Rick Warren tells his followers of his many achievements as proven by numbers. Recently, in interviews with the me3dia, Warren told how much money he has given away. The world loves people who give away their money. Warren teaches pagan prayer practice such as breath prayers and other mystical practices. R. Warren has created a Christianity that the world loves.

Serious threats to our faith come in subtle disguise so they are hardly noticeable. Example is Yoga in the church, even promoted by leaders. Should our pastors and leaders be involved in Yoga? The general public will hardly take notice as it is accepted by the world. If you see false doctrine within your church, you need to firmly oppose it before it becomes accepted within the church.

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