Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Seduction of Christianity


My sole purpose in writing this is not to cause controversy or division but to expose a seduction that is happening in my churches throughout. It is my desire to rescue rather than condemn. Last Sunday, the sermon at our church was about a book written by the author of The Message paraphrase Bible, Eugene Peterson. Peterson in his “Message” version of the Bible substitutes his own words for Gods. I rejoice that Peterson cannot improve God’s word. He does violence to God’s word. Example: In Matt. 16:25, The Message says, “Self-help is no help at all. Self sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self.” Try finding any hint of one’s “true self” in any other Bible translation of this verse. The Message, substitutes man’s words for God’s word! Peterson says that The Message is not word-for-word conversion of God’s Holy into modern language but what he thinks God’s word means—not a translation but an interpretation. What audacity to rewrite the Bible. What he does is dumb down the language to make it “understandable” What Eugene Peterson is doing is misleading readers into thinking they have the scriptures in their hands. Example: In John 3:17, “that the world through him might be saved,” reads, “He came to help, to put the world right again.” Saved means redeemed from judgment we deserve for our sins – but “to help” merely assists our efforts. And “to put the world right again” sounds like social or political reform.

There is much depth in God’s word that even the most mature Christian finds difficult. The deep things of God are revealed by the Holy Spirit (ICor. 2:10), not by simplifying God’s words. God did it perfect. Eugene Peterson did not. Example: Matt. 24:4-5 Peterson says: “Jesus said, “Watch out for doomsday deceivers and leaders with forged identities.” The King James Bible says, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Difference: By omitting the warning to “let no man deceive you and paraphrasing it with only a general caution about identities, Peterson missed exposing all of us who were in the New Age believing we were Christ. r complicating the Good News with 400 years old English using the King James version creates an unnecessary cultural barrier --- clarity is more important than poetry. God has used the King James Bible in a mighty way to reveal the truth. It pulls us out of the New Age and puts us on solid ground.Its straight forward warnings and teaching are clear and true.

Rick Warren uses quotes from The Message over and over again in his book. Both Warren and Peterson have cast aside the sacred words from God's mouth and put men's words in their place. These men have perverted the Bible by changing the meaning of scripture. Using The Message, you cannot read a verse and say, "This is what God's word says. The best you can say is"This is what Eugene Peterson says that God's word says." Men like Peterson have no conscience about changing what God says, replacing His words with his own. What I personally am concerned about is that many Christian leaders and pastors are promoting this wicked Bible version and other books Peterson and Warren have written. Thank heavens God never adjusts Himself or this word to the tastes of men. I am very sorry I ever got involved in teaching a Bible study on The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I became alarmed when noticing quotes time and time again of New Age leaders. The Bible is filled with warnings of a deceptive spirit world. I saw this deception and tried to warn other Christians. Rick Warren has led many church leaders astray.

Missing in The Purpose Driven Life book is anything to convict the sinner of his rebellion against God and the coming judgment. It is about success and fulfillment in this life. It is a very appealing book because of his humanistic approval. He begins his book with "The value of a person" -- a theme repeated throughout." And Warren removes anything we might find negative or offensive. Where is his exphlanation of Christ's payment on the cross for sin.

Rick Warren psychology humanistic delusion of self-image and even applied it to Jesus. We are told, "He served from a secure self-image and task of washing His disciples feet didn't threaten his self-image. (p.269) This very concept of self-image is not found once in the Bible.It is an insult to Christ that suggest a good self-image will enable others to serve God. Its psychobabble and rubbish! Of Gideon, Rick Warren says,"Gideon's weakness was low self-exteem and deep insecurities." Again humanistic rubbish!

Has the apostasy if the churches started? The proof is there. Both of these books are not the word of God but the word of uninspired men who are out to deceive you. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher and if you ask Him for help, He will surely teach you. Christians need to get out their Bible (not The Message but the King James) and compare quotes. Look up Rick Warren's and Eugene Peterson's quotes and see if they have been interpreted correctly. Jesus warned believers to turn away from false teachers and false teaching. "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (2 Timothy 3:5)

We need to be people who will stand up and proclaim the truth and will not be led astray by counterfeit gospel. Carol Schwinkendorf

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