Monday, November 9, 2009

Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism

Martin Luther is widely honored today as he stood courageously against the false doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. This is what Martin Luther said in Article IV of the Smalcald Articles: “The Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ because he will not permit Christians to be saved without his power --- to lie, to kill, and to destroy body and soul eternally. This is where his papal government really consists.” Spurgeon about the papacy said: “Popery is a much the masterpiece of Satan as the gospel is the masterpiece of God.”

There are two prophecies that have come out of the Roman Catholic Church: Two great men will enter into a time of peace. A great Catholic Monarch will rule the entire world. The Holy Pope will convert the entire world. To Catholicism and it will become the only religion. Together they will usher in a period of enlightenment, peace, and prosperity. The historic goal of the Papacy states: “It is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” Pope Boniface VIII, 1302-Unan Sanctum. This pronouncement by the Pope has been the same for over 1000 years. Unity under the papacy of Pope Pius X11, 6-29-43 states: “We must not Passover the truth of Catholic teaching that the only true union is by the return of separated Christians to the one true church of Christ. Otherwise none can be assured of salvation. Pope John Paul’s states: “To promote the unity of all Christians until they reach full communion and to cultivate and authentic spiritual ecumenism through the Virgin Mary. 1995.

The Catholic Church still teaches salvation through baptism, good works, and other sacraments mediated by Mary as the doorway to Christ. All anathemas pronounced by Trent against Protestant beliefs remain in full force and effect today 2009. Trent remains the official teaching of Rome and has been reconfirmed many times by the highest church authority. The Council of Trent damned the reformers. For example, it says: “If anyone says that the sacraments of the New Law (which refers to Catholic rituals) are not necessary for salvation – but – that without them – men obtain from God through faith alone the grace of justification – let him be anathema.” “If anyone says that baptism is – not necessary for salvation, let him be anathema.” “If anyone says that in the Mass a true and real sacrifice is not offered to God – but a mere commemoration on the cross and not a propitiatory one – let him be anathema.”

Is Trent still valid? Absolutely! Vatican II, Catholicism’s highest authority proposes again the degrees of the Council of Trent in honor of the 145th anniversary of Trent on 12-13-95. Now we understand Rev. 13:8,12: “The false prophet causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the false Christ.” And now we see how the false prophet will unite the world to worship the False Christ -- a man who comes in the name of Jesus Christ. The one world religion will be formed by a union of non-Christian religions with all professing Christians who have never been born again.

There are many pastors today who have never experienced the second birth. These are the ones who can fall into apostasy. When left behind after the rapture, they end up merging with these non-Christian religions. When this happens there will be a one world religious system. All religions will be accepted under truth. There are several organizations that are moving this forward: --World Peace Summit 2000. The United Nations brought together for first time thousands of the worlds religions and spiritual leaders, a major step towards the creation of a global religious body. The World Council of Churches, formed in 1948 now has 342 denominations moving towards the manifestation of the One Holy Church. The ALC, American Lutheran Church is a member of this organization.

When will this one world religion system be fulfilled? This is what Paul has to say in II Thess. 2:3-4: “That day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God in the temple of God, showing himself to be God.”

Satan’s goal has always been to be like the most high god. Satan’s method is to bring counterfeits to bring man’s faith away from the one true God. So we have the unholy Trinity: Satan, the Anti-Christ, and the False Prophet. Our Christian Trinity is: God the Father, The Son, Jesus Christ, who rules King of Kings, and the Holy Spirit, who glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.

Does the Papacy oppose and exalt itself above God? Yes! It steals titles from the Triune God. Example: Holy Father, head of the church, Vicar of Christ, and robs Christ of His power and our souls. The Pope has supreme and immediate and universal power in the care of souls. He is said to exercise this power unhindered. Usurp’s God’s infallibility. Condemns all who believe God’s Gospel. From the Council of Trent there are over 100 anthemas. Receives worship due only to God. llCor.11:13. I’ve often wondered how a pastor can support men who have clearly fallen into apostasy and false doctrine. They are men who have not experienced the second birth. They are men who compromise with the world. When wheat and tares comprise, it is the wheat that suffers. Truth and error are incompatible. It is difficult for me to understand how they can not see through this. To promote wicked Bible versions such as Eugene Peterson’s “The Message,” that perverts God’s word. Men like Peterson have no conscience about changing what God says, replacing His words with their own.

What is the Eucharist and how will that play out with the false Christ? The Eucharist is of course a wafer given during communion. The wafer or Eucharist in the Catholic church is given and understood to be the true body of Christ to give us divine life. Pope Benedict XV1, 3-9-08 said this: “The transformation of the world is in the fragile, white, consecrated host, the real presence of Jesus. The only true medicine of immortality and the certainty of being loved by God is the Eucharist.” The Vatican sees the Eucharist as non-negotiable sign of unity. “All Christians will be gathered in a common celebration in the Eucharist, into the unity of the one and only church. This unity subsists in the Catholic Church as something she can never lose. Vatican Council II 1965. The Pope, in 2008 stated: “The road of ecumenism celebration of the Eucharist which would only strengthen our resolve to love and serve one another in imitation of our Lord.” The Catholic believes he is truly eating the real body of Christ Jesus. How dare they say the eternal god is to be eaten!

Father John O’Brien in his book, The Faith of the Millions. Writes this: “When the priest announces the words of consecration, he reaches up into the heavens, brings Christ down from His throne, and places Him upon the altar to be offered up again as the victim for the sins of man. It is a power greater than that of the saints and angels. The priest speaks and lo! Christ, the eternal and omnipotent God, bows his head in humble obedience to the priest’s command.” This is being done thousands of times all over the world. The priest believe they have the power to call our almighty God back down from heaven to do what He said, “Its finished.” It’s unbelievable that they would want to continue to have Christ suffer on their altar everyday.

Is it possible the image of the False Prophet will force the world to worship the Eucharist? The Catholics can bow down and worship it because they believe that the Eucharist is the physical body and blood of Christ. There are only two options of this. It is really the Lord Jesus or a false Christ. The Bible says, “Those who refused to worship the image are put to death.” Is the image the Eucharist?

This week, Oct. 30, 2009 on a news TV station, there was an invitation by Pope Benedict XVI for all Anglicans to come back to the Sheppard and say, “What do I have to do to come home?” He believes thousands and thousands will turn to the Catholic Church. Rome has a strategy for Christian unity. Redefine evangelical terms to make vague and acceptable to all. Confuse Protestants with Catholic mystics and contemplative spirituality. Urge separated brethren to come home to the Holy Mother, the church, for the fullness of salvation. Seduce highly visible evangelicals to promote Catholicism as a valid expression of Christianity, such as: Rick Warren, who states, “I really do feel that these people (Catholics) are brothers and sisters in God’s family. I am looking to build bridges with the Catholic Church. Chuck Colson, “We evangelicals and Catholics have differences, but on the ancient creeds and the core beliefs of Christianity we stand together.” Pat Robertson, “My meeting with His Holiness Pope John Paul II was very warm and I pledged to work for Christian unity between Evangelicals and Catholics. Jack Van Impe, “I read the New Catechism, l,800 points. I accept 99 % of it. Why should we divide over l%?”

How can Evangelicals encourage unity with Catholics when we are divided on: l) The essentials of the gospel. 2) How one is born again. 3) How one is justified. 4) How one is purified of sin. 5) How can we mediate between God and man? Do we need Mary?” Ecumentical believers will have to suppress the truth; tear down the walls that separate believers from unbelievers so we can all work together.

Martin Luther maintained that scripture had to be trusted to be complete truth and with that attitude he was able to give the world a special insight into the magnificence of the grace of God. These are some of the dangers changes that have taken place in main line churches today: 1.) “Universalism,” which is the teaching that all people are saved regardless of their creed. “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” is such and organization. This organization mocks the Reformation, which labeled Roman Catholicism a false religion of rituals and works. “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” embrace Catholics as born again Christians whom evangelicals must join to evangelize the world. Wheaton College in 2002 invited Cardinal George from Chicago to speak at the college seeking unity among Lutherans and Catholics. 2.) “New Translations of Scripture.” Some pastors honor and promote wicket Bible versions such as Eugene Peterson’s “The Message,” that perverts God’s word. Men like Peterson have no conscience about changing what God says, replacing words with his own. Compare for yourself the “Lord’s Prayer” in The Message Bible with the “King James Bible.” It’s shocking! It adds and subtracts from the original Hebrew or Greek. Rick Warren quotes from The Message throughout his book, “The Perfect Driven Life.” As John McArthur said: “The church has no longer the ability to fight error because it doesn’t know the truth. 3.) “Sacramentalism,” which is the proclamation of ‘cheap grace’ and is promoted by Catholicism. St. Peter’s Basilica was financed through the sale of indulgences. l4.) “Ethical Relativism,” which has invaded our seminaries, social services, colleges, churches, and Christian news magazines. “Christianity Today,” a well known magazine, had an article promoting pornographic films to be used for counseling procedures. I read it myself and could hardly believe what I was reading.

The Pope displayed his powerful influence by calling a meeting for peace in Assisi, Italy. Leaders from all major religions attended. Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, etc. All images were there except anything that pointed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ image were removed from the meeting, while the image of Mary was present. Now why would the head of the Christian Church do that? Because he knows the Lord Jesus Christ is intolerant and so he knew he could reach unity only through the (false) Mary.

Islam and Catholicism have more in common than Catholicism has with Christianity. l) Both have a history of persecuting the Jews. 2) Revelations from extra-biblical sources. 3) The Pope says they worship the same god. 4) Both have prayer beads and pilgrimages. 5) Both seek world domination. 6) Mary is highly revered and considered the Mother of all Humanity. What is the attraction of Mary to Islam? There is an entire chapter in the Koran that pay homage to Mary. They look to Mary as the one who submitted to God in the birth of Jesus and Islam is a religion of submission. Apparitions have appeared to Mary in Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette, Paris, Spain, and Portugal. Muslims visit apparition sites to honor her. Pope John Paul said, “Mary would be the key for reconciling the faith of Rome and Mecca. Mary is the perpetual virgin, the Queen of Heaven. In 2007, a document identifies some core common ground with Christianity and Islam. This was signed by 138 Muslims along with Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, Robert Schuller, Timothy George and others.

What must a born again Christian do? Expose the evil deeds of darkness and do not participate in them. Eph. 5:11. Be on your guard so you will not be carried away by the error of lawless men. II Pet. 3:16,17. Let no one deceive you. Test everything by God’s true word and warn others so they will not perish. Christians must not tolerate apostasy or false teaching or anyone who represents the attributes of God and His gospel. To remain silent shows indifference towards the Lord Jesus. Scripture tells us to war in behalf of truth.

Can a Christian stay in the Roman Catholic Church if they are worshipping the Eucherist? Is that any different from worshiping the golden calf? In our love for Christ and concern for the lost, we must do all we can to proclaim the truth to everyone.

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